# Robotics is finding more demands in food processing industry - Technology and News

Food processing industries are now-a-days one of the fortune making companies of the era. It is a wide industry inhibiting many complex processes, procedures and techniques while processing food from its raw form. It includes normal and hygienic preparation of foods in its own form, extraction of food product into other form like juices, jams etc. from various fruits and finally excellent preservation and packing techniques. way we eat. Surely a good diet will do a definite.

The metabolic activities in human ensure a nutritional level, health, physical and mental tolerance, which is all entirely on the quality and the good all over as was thoroughly observed from centuries. Food safety can be addressed as food quality keeping a finely defined equilibrium in the processing technique. It emphasis the necessity of food safety as it should have no or safely permissible levels of contaminants, adulterants, natural toxins present or other types of food preservatives which are dangerous to health on a chronic basis. Meeting these complex standards of food will determine its popularity in the consumer world. Along with these safety standard, the nutritional value, look, color, texture, taste and the functional properties are to be present.

Even in developing countries, people are aware about the safety standards in food processing. Along with the awareness, it demands for a technical application of scientific knowledge and finely welded manufacturing equipments to ensure food quality and safety in this high-risk sector. If there is a perfect control in the chain of production, handling, processing and marketing, then the food quality and safety will be assured plus the competition in this field will reduce the production cost and the wastage amount together. All countries have food control system with an advisory and regulatory board that provides a helping infrastructure for this industry.

Many international food-processing units are using robots to do packaging and packing works. This palletizing has gone through all section of food processing including meat, fish and poultry. Having robots in food industry will offer safety, material savings, and high productivity as robots were used for risky Welding and painting applications.

Even though question of recession and joblessness is haunting every one world wide, food industries are spending more on robotics. There is a high risk for labors to work with even slight un health as it is a strong obstacle for food safety and there are sections where unavailability of labor is a hindrance where robotics fills the need. Like in most of robotic application, heat, dust and lubricants all have to control from harming robot's function. The art of Welding the robotic structure works as a perfect shield in protecting it from drastic environment change. Integrators are used to preserve the food products and the environment from affecting robots.

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