# Package Your Products Professionally with Wrapping Machines from Solstice Technologies - Technology and News

In today's competitive retail environment, it is important to package your products as professionally as possible. Consumers base purchases on the appealing looks of the products they see in stores; wrapping machines can help you achieve the most attractive packaging, giving you an edge over the competition. Solstice Technologies stocks a wide variety of wrapping machines that will accomplish the job, giving your products the most appealing look to consumers.

Solstice Technologies stocks wrapping machines that professionally wrap the most popular consumer products. One of their most popular wrapping machines facilitates overwrapping, which is the perfect packaging solution for CD and DVD boxes, video games and other flat-packaged items. Over-wrapping machines differ from traditional shrink-wrapping machines by giving packaging a neat, professional look, with inexpensive, polypropylene film, as opposed to costly, polyethylene film. Over-wrapping machines give a more finished look, with folded edges, not rough edges or seams. Additionally, over-wrapping machines do not waste costly wrapping materials; each piece is cut precisely to fit the package with no wasting of materials. Shrink-wrapping machines tend to waste a lot of wrapping material, in addition to making packaged items look unprofessional. Solstice Technologies stocks manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic over-wrapping machines that can handle small or large quantities.

There are many types of wrapping machines that are used in the extremely popular media retail market. The popularity of video games and DVDs of movies and television shows has created a need for wrapping machines that securely wrap these packages, keeping the integrity of the delicate discs inside. Solstice stocks over-wrapping machines that are specifically for CD jewel box cases that individually wrap CD, DVD and video game cases. Some can be operated semi-automatically, or fully automatically. There are wrapping machine models designed to bundle specific items together, and other wrapping machines perfect for cosmetics, fragrances and pharmaceutical products.

Owning your own machine is an investment that eventually pays for itself. Instead of contracting out your wrapping needs, purchasing a wrapping machine is cost-effective and saves money on additional services and labor costs. The market for used and previously viewed DVDs is a booming business; rarely will you receive a DVD or video game in its original over-wrapping. The appropriate machine saves time and money, giving the reseller the convenience of being able to re-wrap products without having to send them out. Having an on-site wrapping machine keeps costs in line, and increases business; giving you more inventory and allowing you to adjust prices accordingly, without compromising the integrity of your product.

For more information on Solstice Technologies and their line of wrapping products, visit them online at www.solstice-inc.com. You'll find their complete inventory, along with helpful videos that give you a detailed look at the operation of all different types of machinery. By getting a first-hand look at what these machines can do, you can choose one that best fits your needs and suits the type of products you need to package.

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