# Three Keys to Successful Internet Marketing Tips to Keep in Mind - Technology and News

Like anything else you've never done, you'll have to do some learning if you want to succeed with internet marketing. What follows next are some tried and true IM business strategies that absolutely will help you be more successful.

Having your own email list to send offers to is perhaps the single greatest profit booster you could implement. If you've been into Internet marketing for a while, you must have seen all the experts asking you to build an email list. If you don't have a marketing list, then unless you really expand your marketing your profits will hit a plateau. All very highly successful online marketers will tell you that their business didn't really take-off until they built a list. So many IM marketers talk about their lists as being almost instant money on demand. However, not all marketers take the time to build a list, and instead they just want to one-off sale from a first-time visitor.

It's very difficult to build a lasting business on that model. Online marketing is dynamic and can change overnight, but if you have a list then you can absorb those spikes and bumps in the road. Long-term growth, stability, and protection against weird business cycles will all be present in a business that includes a list. Talk about targeted traffic - nothing gets more targeted than an email list that is responsive to your promotions. Let's not forget about the lifetime value aspect of those on your marketing list. Even more... each subscriber that buys from you will be more likely to buy again in the future. If you're new, you really need to be careful with the make money scams that seem to be everywhere on the net. You can lose a lot of time pursuing worthless endeavors, and you can lose money buying crap products. You can try to protect yourself by doing due diligence for anything you want to buy, and always remember to contain your enthusiasm and go slowly. And never, ever rush yourself to succeed, make money, etc. You can prevent many mistakes by simply learning and researching from reputable sources (marketers). Online marketing success requires work and will take time, so never listen to anyone who says you can make a lot of money very quickly.

One great attitude to have toward your visitors or customers is that you want to help them with their problems. Show them that you're here to help them out and that you truly want to assist them in finding a solution to their problems.

Never have the mindset that you just want their money and nothing else to do with them. Be real, be human and try to look at things from your prospect's point of view. Try to be genuine about it, and people will respond positively - if you really are genuine.

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