# 5 Important Tips for Computer Security - Technology and News

Just about everyone using computers these days can turn them on, browse the web, check email, and run a word processing program. The problem is that while computers are easy to use, those who have no knowledge of computer crime issues have a very difficult time comprehending the reasons why it is important to make sure their computers are safe and secure. If you don't want to find yourself calling your Delaware computer repair guy for help with a virus or security breach, consider implementing some of these tips and tricks.

Update Your Antivirus Software

Antivirus software is great. There are tons of great programs to choose from and they'll automatically scan your PC for viruses, malware, and more. The problem is that antivirus programs aren't permanent set-and-go solutions. The internet evolves quickly and if you don't update your antivirus software regularly you'll be susceptible to some of the newest internet viruses and crimes out there.

Lock Your Computer

Your computer is your private space. Everyone walking into your home or office should not have access to your personal information. Get into the habit of locking your computer each and every time you walk away, even if you're just running out to the bathroom. Computer security breaches can happen in mere minutes. Entering a password to log back in will only take seconds and you'll instantly be back to work.

Avoid Strange Email Links

Be cautious when you receive emails from companies asking for your personal information, even if they look legitimate. Hackers will create email addresses that appear similar to those used by formal organizations but are just slightly different. They'll send you to website pages that appear to be the log-in pages for the sites you're used to. By the time you enter your information and realize you're in the wrong place, you will have given away your user names and passwords. Never use links in emails to log-in pages if you can avoid doing so.

Update Your PC's Security

You likely receive regular emails from Microsoft letting you know that the newest security patches have been developed. Don't ignore these emails or pop-up messages. They're designed to instantly correct security breaches that the platform developers identify. Ignoring these emails and failing to make updates will leave your computer vulnerable as well. Not getting notifications? Go do the Windows Update Center and search for them yourself.

Choose Strong Passwords

According to the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team, attackers have access to a number of programs that allow them to figure out your computer passwords. The more complex your password, the more work it will be for them to figure out, and the more likely they'll give up and move on to something easier. Choose longer passwords with numbers, spaces, special characters, and a combination of both upper and lower case letters.

Use care and caution when using your computer. Every time you log onto the internet you are opening yourself up to potential security breaches. If you're not careful, you'll be the next person calling your Delaware computer repair technician for help getting things back to normal - if it's even possible!

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